Book Appointment

Do you want to improve yourself? Are you struggling to complete tasks? Do you lack the discipline to complete your goals? Do you look at yourself in the mirror and feel self-conscious? Is something tugging at your heart? Do you want to put a back seat on prescription medicine and focus on a holistic approach?

If you desire to have a whole life wholeheartedly experience let me lead and direct, you to a supplication that can change not only your ways but your lifestyle of holistic health and awareness.



30 Minutes Free Consultation

This introductory service allows us to discuss the best steps to become who you want to be in life.  Our service provides a plan that will improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health.


1 Month New Me Package

This service will go in-depth to create and implement the steps that are needed to get to your goal.  1 month of consistency will allow the body to develop the discipline that will get you where you need to be. Please note that certain needs will need more than a month to see results, it’s your responsibility to continue the steps the were created. If you need a longer duration of support, we provide multiple options of time.


6-Month New Me Package

This service will go in-depth to create, implement, and support the steps that are needed to get to your goal for 6 months.  1 month of consistency will allow the body to develop the discipline that will get you where you need to be. As some individuals/ or certain goals may need a longer commitment to see results, it’s your responsibility to continue the steps post-completion of the 6 months.  If you need a longer duration of support, we provide multiple options of time.


12-Month New Me Package

This service will go in-depth to create, implement, and support the steps that are needed to get to your goal for 12 months.  1 month of consistency will allow the body to develop the discipline that will get you where you need to be. As some individuals/ or certain goals may need a longer commitment to see results, it’s your responsibility to continue the steps post-completion of the 6 months.  Although 12-month Service is our longer period, you can always renew for 12 months, or another duration (1 and 6 months).


Online 50-minute Sound Healing

This service allows you to join an online live or be sent a recorded session (if missed). Sound healing is used in several facilities. Sound healing is used to heal individuals’ bodies, minds, and spirits.


In-person 50-minute Sound Healing

This service allows you to join an in-person session. Sound healing is used in several facilities. Sound healing is used to heal individuals’ bodies, minds, and spirits.


Reiki Healing (Restricted Location)

This ancient healing technique involves the transference of energy between practitioner and their clients to restore harmony to the biofield, increase the client’s energy to heal, and balance the body’s subtle energies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual). This service provides a 50-minute healing session.


Customize Tea

A one-month supply blend of tea is created for your needs.